Thursday, January 28, 2010


OK, so I know this post may upset any Twilight fans so if you are big on Twilight you may not want to read. So apparently I have come out of the Twilight closet. Which means that I use to like Twilight, but now I have suddenly come out and decided I absolutely despise that book. I hate it. I hate the whole story. I just need to vent about my feelings on the whole thing. Twilight is a story with no real plot and there is absolutley no depth to the characters. The whole thing is basically about lust and relationships. It drives me nuts at the way Bella lusts toward Edward and him towards her. My brother who is in fifth grade said that girls his age and some younger are reading it. What does Twilight say to them, it lies to them as to what relationships really are like. What I mean by that is that Edward gets up and leaves Bella for a period of time, kids probably see that as a normal, because then he comes back and its almost like it never happened. Also apparently as a junior in high school we know what love is. Bella is 17 and she is deeply "in love" with Edward. She lusts after him and tells him that she couldn't live without him and he must be with her at all times, and yaddi yaddi da, all of that mushy stuff. She is in High School for heavens sake. Also, Bella really only focuses on Edwards appearence, she always talks about how gorgeous he is so now she is physically drawn to him. What ever happened to personality, a sense of humor, and things like that. Does that not exist in relationships now? Now girls are looking for their perfect Edward, well I have news for them, he is not out there, and people can look all they want but they are not going to find him. He is an unrealistic character, guys are just not like that, sorry, real men don't sparkle. Anyways, sorry if that was a little harsh, but I just needed to get that out of my system. If anyone reading this likes Twilight, good for you, you keep on liking it. I am just stating my opinion and saying I don't like it.


Jessica Beck said...

Thanks for the novel, but you didn't convert me to hating it :) I still love it!! But nice try! A for effort! ha ha :)

Steph said...

You know, even though I like twilight you r right.

megan ann. said...

Bahaha. Nice. Yes I think it provides an entertaining read but it still isn't exactly teaching fabulous things to girls.